
The First Malta Biennale Draws Visitors to a Surreal Fortress

Gozo, the second largest of the Maltese islands in...

As Surrealism Turns 100, a Look at Its Enduring Legacy

Few movements in art history have had as lasting...

Ancient cave artists starved themselves of oxygen while painting

Ancient cave decorations can be breathtaking to behold, but new research...


“On a stormy Atlantic crossing in 1630, one of the first...

Bayeux Tapestry Condition Report Puts Historic U.K. Loan in Jeopardy

A historic loan of the famed Bayeux Tapestry may not come to...

Market Giants Team Up to Sell Urs Fischer NFTs: ‘This Is a Decentralization’

Last month, Christie’s shocked the art world by selling an...

Previously Unknown Portrait by Thomas Gainsborough Comes to Light

A previously unknown portrait by Thomas Gainsborough surfaced in France last year,...

Picasso’s portrait of a young lover to sell for $55 million at auction

Pablo Picasso's 1932 "Femme Assise Près d'une Fenêtre (Marie-Thérèse)" ("Woman...

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