Chloe Nicholls

The First Malta Biennale Draws Visitors to a Surreal Fortress

Gozo, the second largest of the Maltese islands in...

As Surrealism Turns 100, a Look at Its Enduring Legacy

Few movements in art history have had as lasting...

Ancient Cave Painters May Have Experienced Hallucinations, Study Finds

A new study has shed light on the conditions in...

Matthew Wong Ink Works, Never Before Exhibited, Will Alight in New York

When the artist Matthew Wong was just starting his painting...

Benin Bronzes Aren’t Safer in the West Than They Would Be in Nigeria, Academics Say

At a virtual conference held by Columbia University’s Italian Academy for...


In 1949, seven years after fleeing a warring Europe for...

Guggenheim Fellowships Awarded to Dread Scott, Tourmaline, Helen Molesworth, More

The Guggenheim Fellowships, long considered one of the most important grants...

Ancient cave artists starved themselves of oxygen while painting

Ancient cave decorations can be breathtaking to behold, but new research...

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